Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Abstract 3) ii. Thanks. 4) Table of contents. Acknowledgements,
Chapter 1, the problem and its setting. ( Background, purpose, Research questions, Need for the study. Definitions, summary.
Chapter 2, review of related Literature. Chapter III method. Research method. Document for the study. Resources, Participants, Data collection. iii
5) Data Analysis, Summary Chapter IV Findings: Data Categorization, Data discussion. Summary. Chapter V: Discussion. From LIteracy to new Literacies. Fanfiction and ****Writing Instruction**** ( What makes a student 3D print a certain thing ?
Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations, Teachers, Parents, Administrators, Software Designers, School Board Members. Bibliography iv
6) Appendices. A) IRB Approval Letter. B) Administrative Permission Letter. C) Parental Consent Form D) Student Survey v. 7) CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING; Background Reminds me of "EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT"
11) Blog
12) Re-mix ; Summary
14) Chapter II review of Related Literature. From Literacy to New Litercies.
16) it is now up to educators to integrate such valuable learning and teaching tools into
mainstream educational practices
"Create complex characters from geometrical shapes. A cat head might be a sphere and pyramids for the ears.
18) Develop FLUENCY, like any language, it is not just vocabulary words, it is creating poetry and stories.
19) social alliances and reflections
20) Blogging, Summary: Collaborative and participatory
21) Chapter III Method research methods
22 ) researcher must be ambiguous ( OPEN MINDED, IMPARTIAL _ , and a cood communicator
23 ) Case study , how to best incorporate.
Describe Appendices.
24) ALTERNATE perspectives Colors of plastic
26) And in s Self-insertion stories, a writer has the
opportunity to write themselves into the story (Shamburg, 2008a)
27) audio, rhythms great for fractions. Pitch raising could connote an increasing slope,
Likewise in music increasing pitch can indicate a more optimistic outlook.
Appendix D is a series of critical questions
adapted from Stephen Brookfield’s “The Classroom Critical Incident Questionnaire” 21
of a recorded podcast, students now have the opport
unity to thoughtfully add music and
sound effects to their performances. In this fourt
h activity, students completed
Shamburg’s (2008b) activity “Reader’s Theater: The
Next Generation” in which students
recorded an adapted version of Aesop’s Fable
The Bear and the Two Travelers
. Students
fluently read their lines into the microphone, and
then added musical clips and a sound
effect to their recording. This remixed recording
could now be broadcast to the Internet
as a podcast and also played for classroom use.
While students participated in all of these literac
y activities as part of their regular
Language Arts curriculum, the researcher primarily
gathered data through interviews,
surveys, a personal journal, and the observation of
student work.
Data Analysis
As mentioned earlier, this qualitative research ca
se study used the constant
comparative method of analysis. Just as the name i
mplies, the researcher “constantly
compared” (Merriam, 1998, p. 159) data in order to
determine similarities, differences,
and themes. As the researcher conducted the classr
oom activities, data was gathered and
analyzed through the use of interviews, surveys (Ap
pendix D), personal journals, and
through the collection of student artifacts. Appen
dix D is a series of critical questions
adapted from Stephen Brookfield’s “The Classroom Cr
itical Incident Questionnaire”
(Brookfield, 1995, p. 115).

By utilizing the constant comparative method of analysis within a qualitative
research case study performed in a third grade self
-contained classroom, the primary goal of this case study was to determine how best to
incorporate new literacies

(Brookfield, 1995, p. 115).
data was gathered through the use of interviews, surveys, a personal journal, and the
observation of student work. The following chapter
includes the data findings of this qualitative case study.

Page 29. (23)
FINDINGS Data Categorization
p.30 Questionnaire. USE THIS and give a citation.
Please reply to cfiorletta.teach@gmail.com: Activity? favorite part of activity? least favorite part? easiest? most challenging? what did you learn? What would you change? Would you recommend this activity to others?
P. 40 podcasting and Fluency. Learning language from TV or before that radio.

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