Monday, December 8, 2014

Wk15 Dec.8-14Wrap up and Evaluation Ch.16 Teacher Research

part 4, research quality and reporting.
Chapter 16
quality and reporting in teacher research
how can we judge the quality of a research study?
what makes a good study good?
How do we decide which research studies to take seriously and to accept?
o How can we report our research well?

What counts as good research reporting ?
used to be quantitative now qualitative,
treat document based inquiry as research but it is a complex case.
can take on many different forms.
Quality as 'validity' and 'reliability'

true or correct account as to how things are.
internal vs. external validity.
Reliability = CONSISTENCY.
instruments are reliable. etc.
Challenges to the traditional approach to assess the quality of research.
Quality as 'communicative validity'

Phil Carspecken (1996:55) speaks of validity as a 'communicative interaction'
Joe Kincheloe(2003) prefers the term 'anticipatory accommodation'
mon end = 363

p.364 cross-examining multiple sources of data or evidence.
participant checks
outsider audits.
Multiple sources of evidence. More viewpoints reveals 'complexity' ( Coffey and Atkinson 1996:14)
Participant checks, sometimes called member checks. They verify research contstructions
Joe Kinchaloe and Peter McLaren
p.366 Participant feedback sometimes generates issues.
participant checks are rarely sufficient on their own.
p.366 outsider audits.; Quality as trustworthiness; Sufficiency
tu end=366
p.367 coherence
of methodology and designs is to provide detailed accounts of research decisions and reasons behind decisions ( justifications ) , can be separate section or woven into the main argument.
"The constraints of the present study militate against full blown ethnographic fieldwork.These constraints include official time frams for completing doctoral study at any university, and the unavailablilty of any long term ethnographic research programs into which I could have hooked this study. ( Knobel 1997:117)
p.368 Another way is a matrix to summarize the design and methodology of a study.
Difference between:
sufficiency and credibility.
Trustworthiness vs. "Communicative validity"
p.369 istinguish between "typical" cases and "telling" cases used to investigate theoretical propositions and social relationships.
QUALITY AS DEFENSIBLE INTERPRETATIONS per Harry Wolcott (2001:33) is a sense making human activity. "Justified" key word.
wed end = 369
thu end=372

p.374 end

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Meeting with Dr. Shamburg Microsoft word style notes

4 or 5 topics for Lit review.
History of 3D printing. 4 or 5 articles.
Relate it to topic

Research design should be chapter 3 : Method.

Cite APA style , no full URL.

Reviewing tool: turn track changes on. Click accept all changes in document.
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